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Words that Almost Rhyme with house of lords
1 syllable
- barbs
- bards
- beards
- bergs
- birds
- carbs
- cards
- curbs
- curds
- dards
- guards
- hards
- herbs
- herds
- kurds
- lairds
- nerds
- serbs
- shards
- sherds
- thirds
- verbs
- words
- yards
- arbs
- bardes
- blurbs
- garbs
- girds
- kerbs
- lards
- morgues
- sorbs
- surds
- turds
- -ards
- barbes
- burbs
- burgs
- cairds
- courbs
- darbs
- dargs
- dirds
- fourbs
- fyrds
- gerbes
- gerbs
- hurds
- jirds
- larbs
- margs
- merds
- nards
- orgues
- reargues
- rerdes
- slurbs
- tarbes
- turbes
- turbs
- verds
- weirds
2 syllables
- absorbs
- adsorbs
- discards
- disturbs
- regards
- retards
- bombards
- canards
- perturbs
- absurds
- adorbs
- bastaards
- batardes
- becards
- begirds
- belgards
- bicarbs
- bombardes
- bouchardes
- brocards
- cafards
- cocardes
- cowherbs
- cucurbs
- death's-herbs
- debeards
- desargues
- deturbs
- disorbs
- diverbs
- engirds
- exergues
- exurbs
- fiards
- gabbards
- goatsbeards
- hairbeards
- hare's-beards
- immerds
- jacquards
- longbeards
- mansards
- nasards
- nazards
- orterdes
- panshards
- picards
- potherbs
- poulardes
- preverbs
- pro-verbs
- resorbs
- reverbs
- rewords
- ritards
- seabeards
- simurgs
- tabards
- ungirds
- unguards